Nov. 8, 2020

Alison Wheeler - Singer with The Beautiful South and The South

Alison Wheeler - Singer with The Beautiful South and The South

In this episode, we interview Alison Wheeler, female vocalist for The Beautiful South between 2003 and 2007. Since then, she’s been the female vocalist with The South, performing all over the UK and recording their album “Sweet Refrains”. In 2010, she recorded the track “Move a little closer” with John Windle of Little Man Tate, and she is also involved with the band The Topers and her own Jazz group Southern Beauty.

Special thanks to Alison Wheeler for being our guest in this episode. If you'd like to find out more about Alison and The South then please check out their social links below:

Alison Wheeler Social Links

The South Website :

The Southern Beauty Jazz Website :

The Topers Social Links

Amanda's Action Club Social Links

Talk to the Band Social Links

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#TalktotheBand #TheBeautifulSouth #TheSouth #Alison Wheeler #DaveHemingway #TheTopers #SouthernBeauty #AmandasActionClub #JohnWindle #Movealittlecloser #littlemantate #SweatRefrains #Pidgeon Hole

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